Monday, July 22, 2019

O' Canada

We left Medora this morning and headed toward Canada.  We have heard bad stories about the customs agents tearing apart your camper to check for contraband, but we had no problems at all.  He asked us a few questions about guns and alcohol, but that was it.  He didn't even care to see any of the vet certified paperwork we had for the dog.  Most of the roads we traveled were flat and straight.  You could see for miles in every direction.  What was amazing was the 1000's of acres of canola that was being grown in the fields.  It has a yellow flower on the plant and the fields went on forever.  We stopped for the night at a small, inexpensive ($26) campground in Craven, Saskatoon, Canada. The remainder of the week we will be driving 6 to 8 hours a day till we hit the Alaska-Canadian Highway (known as the ALCAN).

Canola Field
Mapping our Trip

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