Thursday, September 12, 2019

Another day in Thermopolis

Yesterday they had the pool completely drained for cleaning.  This morning I woke up and the pool was completely filled. A few minutes later I was in the pool soaking. The water seemed a little warmer than the previous time I was in it.  Rox and I soaked for about 2 hours, came back to the camper and ate breakfast, then soaked again. After a late lunch we took a drive through the Wind River Canyon. I took some pictures, but they don't begin to show how amazing the canyon really is. A few more times in the hot springs and we were ready for bed.

The campground pool refilled with hot spring water

A view from the campground pool

The Boysen Dam at the head of the canyon provides hydro electric power, flood control and provides irrigation for over 100,000 acres of farmland

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