Wednesday, September 18, 2019


Before we left the campground this morning RoxAnne was talking to our neighbor. She indicated that her and her husband have been searching for tarantulas. She said that this is the mating season and they are very active. Won't be my next hobby. 🕷️

For most of the day we drove through Kansas, much of it being on the old Santa Fe Trail. For anybody that has driven through Kansas, there isn't much to see. Acres and acres of farmland with mostly corn being grown. We also saw a lot of sorghum being grown.  The sight that really had us in awe was the cattle feed lots. Hundreds of cattle were corralled in a small space and feed a lot of feed before slaughter.

It reached 97 degrees today. I had to stop several times to let the camper tires cool down. Tonight we are staying at campground in McPherson, Kansas.

Field of sorghum

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