Sunday, August 25, 2019


We had a nice day in Haines.  The weather was overcast and in the 40's this morning, but later in the day the sun came out and it went to the high 50's.  We explored the town and surrounding area. We walked in the downtown area and visited some stores.  Our highlight downtown was the Hammer Museum.  The museum had every kind of hammer imaginable on display.  We took a drive to some of the more rural areas and saw some more bald eagles.  We also saw a grizzly bear eating down by the shore. 

The internet is really bad here. I can only post a few pictures.  Tomorrow we will be getting ready for our ferry ride to Juneau.  Not sure if I'll be able to post anything.

A grizzly bear heading my direction

Fish cannery with glacier topped mountain in the background

1 comment:

  1. Please tell me you were taking this picture from the truck?!?
