Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Tundra Wilderness Tour

We had a great time touring Denali today. You can only drive 15 miles into the park with your personal vehicle. To see the rest of the park, you must take a tour on a bus. We opted for the Tundra Wilderness Tour and we are glad we did. It rained all morning, but it cleared up right at 1:30 when our 8 hour tour began. We saw four grizzly bears, including a cub. We also saw dozens of caribou, moose, arctic squirrels, snowshoe hares, golden eagles, a gyr falcon, Dall sheep and the state bird of Alaska, the Willow Ptarmigan.  The landscape throughout the park was amazing, but we were unable to see Mt. Denali.  Our tour guide said that he hasn't seen it in two months. The clouds are always covering it.

A Great Big Moose

This Moose stood as high as my Truck

Dall Sheep

Snowshoe Hare (It turns pure white in the winter)


Arctic Ground Squirrel

A Grizzly Bear with her Cub

The Denali Landscape

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